
Staff of laboratory conducts vigorous teaching activity, gives the basic and special courses at faculties of the Moscow university, is heads of special seminars, conducts course and theses of students, direct researches of graduate students. Close contacts with many Russian higher education institutions and scientific institutes on the organization of training in the area the paralellnykh of calculations and the distributed data processing are come.

Sigma is an Internet service that helps to test knowledge of students.

Research and Education Center “Supercomputing Technologies Center“ organizes excursions for schoolchildren to Lomonosov Moscow State University Supercomputing Center.

К работе по проектам лаборатории мы всегда стараемся привлекать студентов и аспирантов факультета ВМК МГУ, заинтересованных в приобщении к живым делам. В реальной работе ребята быстро осваивают новые, технологически не самые простые области, получая отличные результаты, которые переходят в курсовые и дипломные работы, а для кого-то потом составляют и основу диссертационных исследований.

The main objective of the Consortium is to use the School of Higher Education’s powerful potential to develop and implement Supercomputing Technologies in Russian education, science and industry.

International Summer Supercomputing Academy provides a unique opportunity to study a wide range of directions in supercomputing technologies and parallel programming.

The rapid introduction of supercomputing technologies in everyday practice sets crucially new tasks for Higher Education system.

GPU Center of Excellence